Amateurs Shaurya Sharma of Chandigarh and Kritein Gandotra of Jammu occupied the top two spots at six-under 66 and five-under 67 respectively after the first round of Pre Qualifying II at the TATA Steel PGTI Qualifying School 2023 being played at the Golmuri Golf Course in Jamshedpur.
Twenty-two-year-old Shaurya Sharma held the lead as he made 17 greens in regulation to sum up his excellent ball-striking day. Shaurya sank seven birdies and a bogey enroute his 66. Most of his birdies came from a range of eight to 10 feet. Sharma also drove the par-4 12th green to set up a two-putt for birdie there.
Twenty-one-year-old Kritein Gandotra mixed an eagle, six birdies and three bogeys during his 67. Kritein, who had three early bogeys, recovered well with some long conversions thereafter followed by a chip-in for an eagle-two on the 12th.
Pune’s Akshay Damale was placed third at 68.
Out of a total field of 105, the top 21 players (+ ties) will qualify from Pre Qualifying II, a 36-hole event, for the Final Qualifying Stage. There are three Pre Qualifying events in total.
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